Homelessness is a real issue in Sarpy County.
From when the floods of 2019 wiped out nearly 26% of all affordable housing in Sarpy County, through the impact of the pandemic, there are families in Sarpy County who are struggling daily to keep a roof over their heads.
Until recently there wasn’t concrete data to support what we were seeing. In January of 2023, a Point In Time (PIT) count was completed in Sarpy County. Teams of people were sent to count the number of homeless, including those living in hotels, their cars and in encampments/on the streets.
We discovered:
- 30 people were estimated to be living in encampments
- 18 people were being temporarily housed in area hotels
- 27 people were living in their cars in area parking lots or couch surfing
At least 144 children reported to be homeless in February 2023.
This data doesn’t tell the full story. Only a handful of volunteer teams participated in the PIT Count and they were unable to visit all areas of Sarpy County in one night. In addition, not all Sarpy County schools reported their numbers.

Eviction rates are dramatically increasing.
Eviction rates have doubled from the 2021 and continue to rise. More and more families are reaching out to Lift Up Sarpy and our collaborative partners than ever before. Rents have increased by 20% from 2019, while the minimum wage has only increased by 14%. Homeowners are also reaching out to Lift Up and our collaborative partners for assistance at alarming rates. With an average of 13 evictions per week from January to February, we are seeing evictions numbers steeply increasing. At last count, there were 27 households were facing eviction.
Community Care Kits
To help first responders and other groups provide a bit of relief, Community Care Kits was born. Backpacks have been packed with food, toiletries and other immediate necessities. In these backpacks recipients will find helpful items such as:
- Non-perishable food items and complete meal kits
- Blankets
- Clothing items (socks, underwear, has, gloves scrubs, sweat shirts/pants)
- Toiletries (wipes, toothbrush/paste, lotion, lip balm, toilet paper)
- Can openers
- Information on where they can receive help, case management and other supports to help them transition to permanent housing
And more!

How You Can Help
- We need your help to provide the items needed for this program to provide relief and comfort. You can donate via our Amazon Wish List or visit our donation page for this effort.
- Learn more about homelessness in Sarpy County by downloading our infographic.
- Share our posts and stories when you see them on our social channels
- If you are a business that encounters homeless people and you want to help us distribute the Community Care Kits, contact Tanya at Lift Up. No paperwork is required to distribute the backpacks.