Affordable Housing Action Plan: Bellevue Residents Needed

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Could you please help us spread the word on this important survey regarding affordable housing in Bellevue?  Only Bellevue residents can participate. The City of Bellevue, Nebraska, is preparing an, “Affordable Housing Action Plan,” as required by Nebraska State Statute, to document needed affordable housing types in the community. The Plan will include a comprehensive…


El Fondo de Asistencia al Propietario ya está abierto

El Fondo de Asistencia para Propietarios de Vivienda brinda alivio a los propietarios de viviendas afectados por la pandemia que han experimentado dificultades financieras relacionadas con el COVID-19 que comenzaron o continuaron después del 21 de enero de 2020. Los propietarios de viviendas calificados pueden recibir hasta $30,000 de asistencia para ayudar con los pagos…


Homeowners Assistance Fund Now Open

The Homeowner Assistance Fund provides relief to pandemic-impacted homeowners that have experienced a COVID-19 related financial hardship that began or continued after January 21, 2020. Qualified homeowners may receive up to $30,000 of assistance to help with past-due mortgage payments, past-due real estate taxes, HOA dues, and homeowners or flood insurance. There are income limits, and…


Child Care Professionals Needed for the Financial Success Program classes

We need  quality childcare personnel for the Financial Success Program classes.  The Financial Hope Collaborative is in need of child care staff for their Financial Success Program (FSP) classes, held at the Highlander building at 2112 N 30th on the campus at Creighton University, usually Tuesdays and/or Thursdays from 5:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.  Each…