Thriving Families Alliance presents a day-long conference on Addressing the Needs of Children & Teens with a History of Prenatal or Postnatal Trauma. In the past two decades, the number of children born into families affected by substance abuse has grown exponentially. These children and teens often suffer from both prenatal and postnatal trauma through prenatal exposure to licit and
Kick off spring break at the Kiewit Luminarium on Monday, March 11, from 9:00am to 5:00pm, at Sarpy County Day! Sponsored by Meta, this special event is free to all Sarpy County residents, and will include an array of family-friendly activities including opportunities to: Explore 125+ interactive exhibits Experience Meta’s virtual reality station Participate in captivating science demonstrations Unleash your creativity in our Maker Space
All Communities is hosting a workshop on financial literacy on Saturday March 23. Food provided!
Multiple sites are being offered for classes starting on April 6, 2024. For more information please visit their website.
Participa en este taller virtual, vía Zoom, donde verás videos cortos de latelenovela educativa “La Fuerza de Creer: Dulce Sazón” Además, podrásconversar con otros padres y madres latinas para compartir ideas sobrecómo promover en tus hijos el amor por las ciencias y la lectura.¡Regístrate antes del 18 de Abril y participa en el taller para recibir unlibro gratis!¡Regístrate antes del
Nebraska HUD Field Office will provide information on HUD specific housing resources and partner information to assist the community members to tackle the issues they are facing, including areas of fair housing concerns.
The Housing Foundation for Sarpy County will distribute free produce boxes on Thursday, April 25, 2024 at the Bellevue Housing Agency starting at 9:00AM while supplies last. Mark your calendar!
DEAR Diabetes is a non-profit organization for Diabetes Education, Awareness & Resources. Its mission is to provide diabetes education, awareness and resources to a diverse audience while supporting individuals with limited resources/funds to manage their diabetic care successfully. On Sunday, May 5 they will hold their 2024 Community Day. If you would like a table or would like more information,
Shining Stars 2024 will take place on Thursday, October 10, from 5:30pm - 8:00pm at the renowned Peter Fink Car Museum. Join Lift Up Sarpy County as we celebrate our Shining Star community partners, hear from those in our community who benefit from the work we do as you enjoy one of the country's most admired muscle car collections. This